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Housing Loan Programs

Minnesota Housing is a trusted state agency and we believe that housing is the foundation for success. Whether you want to buy your first home or your next, or refinance, remodel or repair the one you’re in, Minnesota Housing may have the affordable program that works for you. Learn more about how you can benefit from our programs: 

In connection with Single Family Division loan programs, Minnesota Housing does not make or arrange loans. It is neither an originator nor creditor and is not affiliated with any Lender. The terms of any mortgage finance transactions conducted in connection with these programs, including important information such as loan fees, the annual percentage rate (APR), repayment conditions, disclosures, and any other materials which are required to be provided to the consumer are the responsibility of the Lender.

Hable hoy mismo con un prestamista participante!

Los siguientes prestamistas hablan español. Para acceder a una lista completa de prestamistas de Minnesota Housing, visite la página de búsqueda de prestamistas de nuestro sitio web.

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Cov chaw txais nyiaj yuav tsev hauv qab no hais lus Hmoob. Kom nrhiav tau tag nrho cov chaw ntawm txais nyiaj es koom tes hauv lub xeev hu ua Minnesota Housing lender, mus saib hauv qhov chaw es Tshawb Nrhiav hauv peb lub vas sab.